add p-values from t-tests
Adds p-values comparing the different cells at each x-axis position with a reference cell. Uses a syntax similar to raw.means.plot2.
Usage,, col.offset, col.x, col.value, fun.aggregate = "mean",
ref.offset = 1, prefixes,alternative = c("two.sided", "less", "greater"),
mu = 0, paired = FALSE, var.equal = FALSE, lty = 0, ...)
- data
A data.frame
character vector specifying the id column.
- col.offset
character vector specifying the offset column.
- col.x
character vector specifying the x-axis column.
- col.value
character vector specifying the data column.
- fun.aggregate
Function or function name used for aggregating the results. Default is "mean".
- ref.offset
Scalar numeric indicating the reference level to be tested against. The default is 1 corresponding to levels(factor(d[,col.offset]))[1].
- prefixes
character vector of the indices for the p-values. If missing corresponds to levels(factor([,col.offset]))[-ref.offset].
- alternative
same as in t.test
- mu
same as in t.test
- paired
same as in t.test
- var.equal
same as in t.test
- lty
line type of axis, Default is 0 (i.e., no line).
- ...
further arguments passed to axis.
This function computes t-tests comparing the values at each x-axis position for each condition against the reference condition at and adds the p-values to the axis.
This functions uses the same syntax as raw.means.plot2 and should be used in addition to it. Note that values are ordered according to the so paired = TRUE should be fine.
See also
raw.means.plot as the accompanying main functions.
if (FALSE) {
#The examples uses the OBrienKaiser dataset from car and needs reshape.
# This extends the examples from raw.means.plot
OBKnew <- cbind(factor(1:nrow(OBrienKaiser)), OBrienKaiser)
colnames(OBKnew)[1] <- "id"
OBK.long <- melt(OBKnew)
OBK.long[, c("measurement", "time")] <-
t(vapply(strsplit(as.character(OBK.long$variable), "\\."), "[", c("", "")))
# For this example the position at each x-axis are within-subject comparisons!
raw.means.plot2(OBK.long, "id", "measurement", "gender", "value"), "id", "measurement", "gender", "value", paired = TRUE)
#reference is "fup"
raw.means.plot2(OBK.long, "id", "measurement", "gender", "value"), "id", "measurement", "gender", "value", ref.offset = 2,
paired = TRUE) #reference is "post"
# Use R's standard (i.e., Welch test)
raw.means.plot2(OBK.long, "id", "treatment", "gender", "value"), "id", "treatment", "gender", "value",
prefixes = c("p(control vs. A)", "p(control vs. B)"))
# Use standard t-test
raw.means.plot2(OBK.long, "id", "treatment", "gender", "value"), "id", "treatment", "gender", "value", var.equal = TRUE,
prefixes = c("p(control vs. A)", "p(control vs. B)"))